Wednesday, December 1, 2010


What d history of PANCAKE??
Pan = Kuali
Cake = Kek..
Is dat "Kuali Kek"???
Nice words.."kuali kek"
Yesterday my younger brother asks me to make a pancake for him..
OMG... can i do it?? No..No..NO...
hakhak..i don't know how to do it..
if he asks me to make a cake.. i'll do..
BUt..Pancake.. i can't.. Sorry Dear..


around 9:00pm
tik..tok..tik..tok..(bunyi org ketuk pintu).. younger brother again..
but different situation..
"Long!! i got this~~"
Tarraaaa..... :)

gosh!! Pancake again... adoyaaaiii
so poor..kesian adikku ni..mengidam rupanya..
so he asks to bake for him..hmm..yes budak kecik..i'll do..
one packet of red bean pancake have 4 pieces of pancake..
i choose 3 pancakes to bake and 1 to fry

hehhe... Gud Job..

i hope he doesn't have a nightmare about PANCAKE... hoohohooho..

1 comment:

Hai silent readers and lovely followers. Tq for your comments. Hikhik. Moshi2